Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why Type When You Can Swype?

The inventor of the T9 input technology has done it again! What T9 did for mobile devices, the new Swype keyboard technology will do for devices equipped with touch screen capabilities. Cliff Kushler's Swype will revolutionize the way people input data on touch screen devices--from the Apple iPhone to tablet PCs. Instead of typing out full words, Swype allows users to quickly draw lines connecting the letters of the word. The following video provides a demonstration of this groundbreaking new technology:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Expert Systems Help Oil Firms Find Capital

Expert systems (ESs) strive to replace or mimic human experts in the decision making process. As one of the most widely used and commercially successful forms of artificial intelligence technology, expert systems support decision making by capturing human expertise, transfering that knowledge to a computer, and organizing the knowledge so that the system can make infrerences and arrive at conclusions.

In a recent article, I learned that oil and gas companies are employing expert systems to help them find funding for present and future exploration and production projects. The article "New Software Helps Oil & Gas Producers Find Funds" describes Commonwealth Capital Advisors' new expert system software named OIL & GAS Producer, which is part of the Financial Architect system. This advanced software is "revolutionizing the way start-up and early-stage Oil & Gas producers are raising substantial amounts of capital using the techniques of Wall Street investment banks."

Timothy Hogan, CCA's Chairman and CEO, made this statement: "We want to help entrepreneurs involved in the oil and gas industry to significantly lower the costs and increase the speed of raising equity capital. Just as important, we want to provide oil and gas producers and their professional management teams with an easy-to-use expert system that will enable them to choose the right deal structure for the capital they need, and manage those funds in compliance with federal and state securities laws, rules and regulations." CCA's Financial Architect is now the premier expert system for start-up, early-stage and seasoned companies that seek capital.